Seriously, all kidding aside... I am starting to feel like the momentum is finally turning to the support of the longs for the following reasons:
1.) The overall community chatter does not seem as desperate nor angry about stock performance as it has been in the past. I think most longs (and I am certainly one of them) aside from the "usual suspects" have come to terms with the current pps and fluctuations and may have a better understanding now of the reasons why... (watch the Cramer video I posted a few days back if you want to understand some of those reasons).
2.) The SA articles although not ringing endorsements are slightly positive about mnkd and also beginning to question the short position which prior to this period has not happened...
3.) The best Cramer can do is say "I have my people who tell me to stay away" no rhyme nor reason to support his comment suggesting he has none as he is not shy to give his opinion on almost anything... Think it is now just his feeble attempt to protect some friends who all now realize they are finally on "borrowed time" as well as shares of Mannkind
4.) Think AdCom ended AF's relevancy to this conversation though he may insert himself into the conversation again at some point...
5.) As I have mentioned numerous times before, the shorts are now in retreat and they keep falling back to their next position ("issue") until Al and his army advance and destroy it. Witness over the years; Exhubera, Cancer, Dilution, Ad Com, FDA Approval, Partnership and now finally down to; 1.) It's a bad deal (which is starting to lose steam) and 2.) Adoption (btw anyone who thinks this product is not the 3rd miracle in the treatment of diabetes (the first being the invention of insulin and the second being the invention of the insulin pump) needs to simply go on youtube and listen to the AdCom testimony which I do from time to time to remind myself just what a "disruptive technology and medication" Afrezza is going to be.
6.) You really can't bash Al and company anymore for not going on a PR Blitz etc as first of all it's now in the control of Sanofi as part of a marketing effort and really... As Matt said in the GS CC, (to paraphrase) yes they may have had their issues over the years but they are very proud that in the last 3 years or so they have been spot on and good to their word on every event, date and expectation that they have said they would. And honestly they did what we needed them to do which is get FDA approval and a viable partner...
I can tell you for a fact that I have followed them very closely the last five years even putting together my own timeline of events 3 1/2 years ago that ended with FDA approval, a successful partnership announcement and product launch.
I just reread it yesterday as I was reviewing my mnkd files and it was only off by a mere 4 months... I had predicted based on what I knew, that Afrezza would be launched in 4th Q 2014. (This is not about me, but about the information I got from them over the years by listening and charting, and they were spot on) If you factor in the FDA delay with AdCom and pushing back PDUFA then they were pretty much spot on to their word about launch.
So as far as I am concerned and yes in fairness and full disclosure... I am a big fan of the science and the company for what it represents for diabetics and also for investors, they have executed with high marks the past 3 years or so, especially when you consider what this effort takes. I mean a submission of an NDA that is almost a million pages?
7.) And though I must disclose I now know I have very little idea of how the short process works as I am constantly surprised at how they manage to do what they do, I get the feeling with articles referring to Mannkind as finally being oversold, and the fact that even at $6.70pps they can't seem to find the fuel or energy to drive it down more and lack the volume necessary to push it down more than .15 to .20 at a time. Where is the karpster with his prediction of $1.00pps? Jail I hope or in BK court...
8.) This may sound strange to some... but I now feel that with the above there is a return to community conversation that has a more positive tone and set of expectations... (someone already listed these on another post)
a. November begins the start of commercial production,
b. Announcement of formulary adoption should come soon
c. Filing in EU and Japan will be announced
d. 3rd Q CC should show some positive financial disclosures
e. first set of milestone payments will begin
f. launch in mid 1st Q 2015
But for a balanced argument... what's the downside? Matt just took dilution off the table as Sanofi has their back now... Bad deal? Seems not... (although the jury could be out on this until more is revealed), Adoption? Just go listen to the AdCom testimony...
Sorry shorts but you are now on borrowed time... Time to pay up very soon...
And I am glad that Al is getting his due and the attention he deserves for Afrezza and his relentless drive with articles like the LA Times (although I have not yet seen it) This should be his time... because he has delivered once again in a remarkable career... As someone recently pointed out, he did not have to do this nor did he have to risk it... Name me one other CEO that has put $1.2B of his own dollars uncollateralized (held in commons stock) into his company to put his "money where his mouth is..." The insulin pump was enough for one man in one lifetime... (let alone the pacemaker battery, cochlear ear transplant, batteries for the military etc...) but because of who he is he did it anyway when most would not... And for that he should be celebrated not bashed... Shame on anyone who wants to bash this man or this company for doing what they do... Until you have proof that they have done something wrong you should just keep your opinions to yourself (this is not aimed at anyone in particular and especially none one on this board. I happen to frequent YMB so this is for "the usual suspects"
) as they really put the basher in a silly looking position, at best, when you compare some of the self-serving statements I read against the achievements and the well lived life of a man who in my opinion is a modern day American role model very few can compare too... Certainly not me...