Post by fisherman on Apr 3, 2022 8:33:35 GMT -5
My Wellcare Prescription Drug Plan just OKed my Afrezza. I made only one written request for their approval.
Now I will have to see if this will result in a lower price than the @$99. a month from Eagle Pharmacy Eagle takes no Prescription insurance . Toll Free:
I pray that Mannkind common stock would be as wonderful as Afrezza after the stock has been such a dog after all these decades.
Post by stevil on Apr 3, 2022 12:45:26 GMT -5
You probably are eligible for this card. Your copay shouldn't be more than $15 per month. Off the top of my head, I thought this card had very generous benefits... basically it would cover full cost of the medication and lower it to $15 as long as it was covered by insurance. Some cards have deductibles that make you pay full price before it will kick in. I vaguely remember this card covering the full benefit and lowering copays to $15... Hope it helps! afrezza.com/savings-program/Ah, just found it. It covers up to $2000/month for 12 months. Actually, it looks like Wellcare is a medicare sponsored plan. Probably won't qualify for the card.
Post by sr71 on Apr 3, 2022 17:40:43 GMT -5
fisherman - This is the first time I've heard of any Part D Medicare plan providing coverage for Afrezza, even with a pre-authorization request. nylefty has followed the lack of Part D coverage closely in the past as well. Please keep us posted on the amount for copay, and on whether refills are being covered as well. This is really good news (I hope, finally)
Post by fisherman on Apr 3, 2022 20:47:15 GMT -5
I am quite pleased about this. I am going forward tomorrow with getting this set up with my Pharmacy and Doctor.
My authorization letter from Wellcare, which gives me approval, has a Wellcare number on it for asking questions. Here is the number listed if it is helpful. 1-888-550-5252.
I sure hope sharing does not put me on the black ball list to have this approval removed. Oh well if it does.
Post by fisherman on Apr 4, 2022 10:45:55 GMT -5
Per Rosie Rossanadana "NEVERMIND" The Afrezza Savings Program will now be accepted for those on Medicare D. The Wellcare authorization to buy Afrezza is less valuable than a bucket of spit. My Co-Insurance would be $1484 for a 90 day supply. Or Buy a 90 day supply from Eagle Pharmacy for $99 per month or $297 @ 90 days total per these contacts: www.eaglepharmacy.com/contact-us . Eagle accepts nor processes any type of insurance, but who cares? They have been great for me and I was just curious, but no longer so. I kind of feel like I have just gone to the ocean, only to find that it was dry!
Post by fisherman on Apr 4, 2022 10:47:17 GMT -5
Correction: Will not "accept" Savings Coupon>
Post by porkini on Apr 4, 2022 10:53:07 GMT -5
Correction: Will not "accept" Savings Coupon> Why not Edit your post and correct it? You have an hour from original posting to edit or delete your posts. 🤔😎
Post by peppy on Apr 4, 2022 10:57:18 GMT -5
Per Rosie Rossanadana "NEVERMIND" The Afrezza Savings Program will now be accepted for those on Medicare D. The Wellcare authorization to buy Afrezza is less valuable than a bucket of spit. My Co-Insurance would be $1484 for a 90 day supply. Or Buy a 90 day supply from Eagle Pharmacy for $99 per month or $297 @ 90 days total per these contacts: www.eaglepharmacy.com/contact-us . Eagle accepts nor processes any type of insurance, but who cares? They have been great for me and I was just curious, but no longer so. I kind of feel like I have just gone to the ocean, only to find that it was dry! Thank you fisherman. I am not surprised. We do have to go in for the fine print.