Post by pguererro on Mar 14, 2021 14:56:09 GMT -5
This is not a Covid issue. Afrezza was flat before covid. Certain products that Endos like grew 30-40 percent in the 4th qtr and are ahead of q1 projections this year. Love you sports but you have to stop mentioning Covid. This is a Mannkind Pro Boards site. The future if there is one for MannKind is not Afrezza. Afrezza will be a 200 million dollar niche product. There is no buzz or life in the Endo offices for Afrezza period. It’s over priced, people that start in it don’t stay on it. Don’t blame the endos. Plenty of endos have started patients on Afrezza. Those patients don’t stay on Afrezza because they don’t like it. I hope MannKind can use Al Mann’s brilliant technology to help patients in other disease states with the delivery system. However after 4-5 yrs that doesn’t seem to be a possibility either. Afrezza is expensive to produce which concerns me that the patients that are militantly dedicated to their glucose control won’t have the option to get Afrezza in the future. This chapter/book has been written on Afrezza. The executives should know this which troubles me that they keep hitting investment conferences raising money. Pray for more disease states that techno-sphere delivery can help but pretty sure there are no new interested candidates for an over priced delivery system. Every week I go on this site to hear grandiose hope for Afrezza. I don’t understand why.
Post by pguererro on Mar 14, 2021 15:04:12 GMT -5
And..children will never take Afrezza. If MannKind thought a pediatric indication would help biz (hell adults don’t take Afrezza) they would have made sure they submitted Afrezza for pediatric approval years ago. The reason they don’t is to continue to have group to waive over investors. The people on this sight might be good investors but the comments prove time and time again (after 5 yrs) they know nothing about the diabetes market and the current products on the market. Absolute naive comments. I’ll probably get booted for these posts but the only reason I stay on is to look at Friday sales numbers and they haven’t changed in 2 yrs. Sell
Post by pguererro on Mar 14, 2021 15:06:10 GMT -5
VDEX hasn’t grown either and they’ve been in biz for 4 yrs. ok now u can boot me from the page.
Post by pguererro on Mar 14, 2021 15:12:58 GMT -5
And if you took the top 10 volume endos in the country’s (all being paid to prescribe Afrezza through meaningless talks that know one attend) scripts out of the equation there would be 300 Trx a week. Something MC would not want you to know.
Post by pguererro on Mar 14, 2021 15:14:00 GMT -5
And if you took the top 10 volume endos in the country’s (all being paid to prescribe Afrezza through meaningless talks that know one attend) scripts out of the equation there would be 300 Trx a week. Something MC would not want you to know.
Post by pguererro on Mar 14, 2021 15:21:06 GMT -5
“Pro” boards shouldn’t mean Naive/Blind optimism.
Post by pguererro on Mar 14, 2021 15:23:03 GMT -5
When DK left that should have sent a message about the temperature of the industry that this highly decorated brilliant man knows.
Post by pguererro on Mar 14, 2021 15:29:05 GMT -5
Some of the greatest reps I’ve worked with in 20 yrs carried the bag for Afrezza and were fired or left. Recently they started firing great District Managers that gave 3 hard years to MannKind. Cowardess
Post by sportsrancho on Mar 14, 2021 15:43:52 GMT -5
Some of the greatest reps I’ve worked with in 20 yrs carried the bag for Afrezza and were fired or left. Recently they started firing great District Managers that gave 3 hard years to MannKind. Cowardess I’m sorry to hear that. Vdex has grown we added Kentucky with five providers. The reason I mention Covid is because there’s so many diabetics that did not want to leave the house and go to their doctors appointments, or the doctors were only open one day a week.. this wasn’t concerning Afrezza I just see the chatter all the time.
Post by pguererro on Mar 14, 2021 15:59:59 GMT -5
And most of those patients with diabetes have seen there endos through tele-health appointments. Especially the Afrezza candidates who are tech savvy. If u added Kentucky you didn’t add the closures in the last 2 yrs. there is no strong argument for Afrezza in the market place. I’ll be happy to answer any more questions.
Post by nylefty on Mar 14, 2021 16:13:40 GMT -5
And if you took the top 10 volume endos in the country’s (all being paid to prescribe Afrezza through meaningless talks that know one attend) scripts out of the equation there would be 300 Trx a week. Something MC would not want you to know. Meaningless talks? How so?
"know one attend?" Flunked out of grammar school?
Post by letitride on Mar 14, 2021 16:24:44 GMT -5
And most of those patients with diabetes have seen there endos through tele-health appointments. Especially the Afrezza candidates who are tech savvy. If u added Kentucky you didn’t add the closures in the last 2 yrs. there is no strong argument for Afrezza in the market place. I’ll be happy to answer any more questions. Quote From an MD I tried to school on Afrezza: It changed my life as he pulled out his whistle. There is no better argument for Afrezza .
Post by nylefty on Mar 14, 2021 16:27:05 GMT -5
And..children will never take Afrezza. If MannKind thought a pediatric indication would help biz (hell adults don’t take Afrezza) they would have made sure they submitted Afrezza for pediatric approval years ago. The reason they don’t is to continue to have group to waive over investors. The people on this sight might be good investors but the comments prove time and time again (after 5 yrs) they know nothing about the diabetes market and the current products on the market. Absolute naive comments. I’ll probably get booted for these posts but the only reason I stay on is to look at Friday sales numbers and they haven’t changed in 2 yrs. Sell MannKind hasn't had the money to fund a pediatric trial until now.
"to have group to waive?" That makes absolutely no sense.
This is a site, not a "sight."
And the Symphony numbers to not accurately reflect the actual sales, as one of your fellow critics has repeatedly pointed out.
Post by nylefty on Mar 14, 2021 16:35:20 GMT -5
And most of those patients with diabetes have seen there endos through tele-health appointments. Especially the Afrezza candidates who are tech savvy. If u added Kentucky you didn’t add the closures in the last 2 yrs. there is no strong argument for Afrezza in the market place. I’ll be happy to answer any more questions. You can't do the required spirometry test through telehealth.
Post by pguererro on Mar 14, 2021 16:40:53 GMT -5
Make fun of grammar cause it’s the only comeback you got. They could have directed funds with all the money MC has raised throughout the years for pediatric approval. There’s a reason I’ve been in sales (and done quite well) thru out the yeers and it ain’t cuz of mi speling. Take your condescending comments and buy more MannKind.